Tag Archives: transmutation

Stones of Self

Fractional distillation diagram from http://www.pitt.edu/~ceder/lab7/fractionaldistillation.htmlAs rock oil is fractionally distilled into successive and unique products, so too can one form useful stones from the abyss within oneself.

What is my goal? (A moving target, no doubt.)
What is it that leads me to persevere through any time I may face, especially those most challenging times?
What are my strengths? What are my weaknesses? What do I find most fulfilling? What do I find most troubling?

These are the trays which serve as checkpoints in the distillation of self. The fluid moving through the apparatus may be one’s presence, and the heat one’s attention.

There are different ways to setup one’s apparatus, from the very simple to the arcane; as in basic mindfulness to advanced energy work.

Connection to Place: In Time and Space (A Poem)

The distinction between the past, present and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion.
– Albert Einstein

What does that mean for the spaces we occupy, the places we visit time and time again?

One's connection to place is ever evolving, as is the place itself, 
in time and in space.
Rearranging. Exchanging, changing, ranging from your past to its future
And anew It that its future's to be, your past
Past "your" to I, & I move forward
In the place, the space,
The time, the rhyme,

The connection intersection
Selection interjection
Forward toward your One's Will
Still, as you revisit may be one will
Feel still connected, inner record
Being written anew, sew-n together (hopefully for the better)
Finding history alit א (alif) to me and you as we do, evolve together,
In the place, the space
The time, the rhyme

Revolving We, One with All the [] setter:
One Love

Praise be to Ra and to Thanks-giving!

Inspired by an old post I wrote on this day in 2012:

The most vivid way of losing all our
power and vital energy is worrying
and complaining. The most vivid
way of getting back all our power
and vital energy is appreciating, is
wishing well for all.

apathy rapidly atrophy
doubtfully is that the way to be
pucker up snowflake, spring is sprung so, it’s time to flow with one another
Grow with One, a mother. A tree! A(lef) “me”!
and dung can be good as gold
behold, the dung beetle’s a sign of the sun
cycling, radiating, transmutating *


To Witness

“Compassion hurts. When you feel connected to everything, you also feel responsible for everything. And you cannot turn away. Your destiny is bound with the destinies of others. You must either learn to carry the Universe or be crushed by it. You must grow strong enough to love the world, yet empty enough to sit down at the same table with its worst horrors.” ― Andrew Boyd

‘Be in this world but not of this world.’ ~

“When you wake up in the morning, tell yourself: the people I deal with today will be meddling, ungrateful, arrogant, dishonest, jealous and surly. They are like this because they can’t tell good from evil. But I have seen the beauty of good, and the ugliness of evil, and have recognized that the wrongdoer has a nature related to my own – not of the same blood and birth, but the same mind, and possessing a share of the divine. And so none of them can hurt me. No one can implicate me in ugliness. Nor can I feel angry at my relative, or hate him. We were born to work together like feet, hands and eyes, like the two rows of teeth, upper and lower. To obstruct each other is unnatural. To feel anger at someone, to turn your back on him: these are unnatural.” – Marcus Aurelius

(And in a paraphrased version of Aurelius’ statement, other people’s wrongdoings are driven not only by others’ lack of good judgement of good from evil, but also by others’ own suffering and personal history and inner environment which cannot be known but can be reached with compassion.)

Future Generations Confronting Us Now

A friend of mine shared Students Across Europe Excoriate World Leaders for Hiding Scientific Reality of Pending ‘Global Collapse’  along with the following urgent inquiry. Recently I’ve seen other friends post calls for change, queries for options, and cries of distress at the state of the world; ‘something in the air’. Below is their message and my reply, packaging some of my views for ‘public consumption’ in that branch my social network. Continue reading →

From Mind to World: Envisioning a Better World In Route to Building a Better World

In Ecosystem Restoration it has been taught to envision how a site could be improved. What does it look like for a degraded landscape to be restored? The act of imagining that and all the (thought) processes involved can be enriching.

This applies to different settings and scales as well. Self improvement can be seen as ‘ecosystem restoration’ in a sense. Ecosystems can teach us analogous lessons about oneself, as we are also a life system and embedded in the life systems. Restoration has a lot of overlap with regeneration and evolution/succession, and all of these processes can be present in one’s life. (More on my experience/thought on ecosystem restoration and oneself at Love what grows and elsewhere on this blog.)

The different scales of envisioning a better world are also related to one another. In some cases, I wonder if they’re related in any fractal way, with the patterns on one scale being replicated throughout other scales at different orders of magnitude. An important aspect of this is that the act of envisioning a better world on one scale can facilitate the actual building a better world on another scale.

To imagine a better world is a beautiful step toward a better world – only a step, but a step nonetheless.

Exploring Solarpunk

The world is in need of more hopeful outlooks.

Exploring various links out of the extensive Solarpunk: a Reference Guide gives me a feel for a budding genre. The library of solarpunk content is relatively sparse yet inspiringly diverse. It is a genre that extends from books to fashion to video games. In being so sparse yet diverse, the genre may come off as spread thin or lacking direction, yet at the core of each connection between nodes there is a strong fiber.

What is that fiber? Having only glanced at its surface, it appears to me to be: the radically optimistic near-future vision of the world, shifted from ecological-exploitation to ecological-harmony, blooming with *regenerative lifestyles and landscapes*. This act of envisioning a better world reminds me of my related experiences/writings (From Mind to World: Envisioning a Better World In Route to Building a Better World), deeply appreciating the power of imagining better ways.

Perhaps it is not just a strong fiber, but a fiber which regenerates! And in that, I suspect, is the movements punky nature. May this genre plant seeds and this movement build soils. Continue reading →

Zero and Infinity – Mind the Tree

“Something for a Saturday – Zero and Infinity

As soon as one is on the mystical path, it is neither logical nor rational to think that the existence of man is confined to a single passage on Earth.

As soon as intuition or inner experience, or some other kind of mental pressure, has led us to conceive of man as a being in evolution, a coherent explanation of existence is that man starts from Zero and journeys towards the Infinite. Indeed, as soon as there is evolution, what is the obstacle that could limit it before the stage of the Infinite?

The aim of my lessons and papers is twofold. Firstly to give the means to everyone to accelerate their own evolution, and secondly for people to obtain one of these contacts with the Infinite which alone reveal the true destiny of man. Continue reading →