Tag Archives: love

Northern lights of Jupiter shown from Juno spacecraft, 2021

Jovial present potential

There is no limit to what one can do who does not care who gains the credit for it.

via https://quoteinvestigator.com/2010/12/21/doing-good-selfless/

All the Power that ever was or will be is here now.

via https://bota.org/resources/index.html

There is immense possibility in the present. Ultimately we are guided by a mixture of drives and inner voices, and what we are capable of is greatly expanded by the consciousness of limitlessness and wholeness. May oneself be guided by love of oneself and one another, and by the light and life that calls up. “Peace, peace, peace, One Love”


Learning to Love Twilight: Ode to Death, Arisen with a feeling to decay distress

What a peaceful time with μ & place
And in that space in time, I find I’m faced with death
O the irony, iron me rusting ever more
For in the lightest times, in twilight’s color
A piece of all peaces – stillness, twinkle, and other
Sensations indescribable, unfathomable, yet bare and real
In the greatest of times in life, one faces the time of death. One wishes to capture a moment, for rapture, to ever last her
As one tries to record the minutes, the moments only move faster
Until it shatters
So be still
In accepting the time of death, the time of life is set free
No need to hang on to you and to me
Be and let be, see where one will go
It’s like water my dear friend, you must drink, and let it flow
~ cr0