Tag Archives: fossil-fuels

A Vision of Renewal Amid Ignorance of Collapse

Societal collapse is underway in the U.S. yet ignored by many. Fossil fuels enable this ignorance while exacerbating the problems: propping up leaders en route to authoritarianism, oppressing far-away people, catalyzing capitalism’s promise of seamless resets with no reckoning of past costs while facing a future of unceasing growth.

Is America really collapsing? How would Americans know? Scientists might, as in Deep Adaptation. Survivors of past societal collapse might, as in the following two articles.

What is a vision of renewal? The Leap, a progressive campaign promoting the Green New Deal as a needed-transformative step that avoids eco-fascism or worse, offers this:

There is no future emergency for which we must prepare.

We are already here—with every dystopian element, every means of revolution. The horrific consequences of our time and its beautiful potential are unfolding everywhere. We are resisting the end of the world by proliferating new worlds. We are becoming ungovernable—unbeholden to their merciless law, their crumbling infrastructure, their vile economy, and their spiritually broken culture.

We violently stake a claim in happiness—that life resides in our material power, in our refusal to be managed, in our ability to inhabit the earth, in our care for each other, and in our encounters with all forms of life that share these ethical truths.


Trees: Fuel, Fiber, Food, Fodder, Farmacueticals, Fun + some

Inspired by https://www.yaleclimateconnections.org/2019/03/farmers-plant-trees-alongside-crops/

Fuel: firewood; biomass (wood pellet stoves); pitch, resin, charcoal

Fiber: structural wood for houses and furniture; living fences; pulp for paper; fiber for rope and potentially even clothing and fabrics; biochar and mulch as soil amendments to sustain soil fertility and resilience to drought and flood

Food: forest farming, forest gardening, supporting crops in alley-cropping and other techniques; sustaining drinking water; protein, oils/healthy fats, fiber

Fodder: silvopasture and all the benefits that comes with wildlife and livestock including food, mowing, fertilization, and many other benefits of biodiversity

Farmaceuticals: medicine, physiological and psychological; chemicals for a vast variety of purposes

Fun: may you enjoy it and it enjoy you

+ some: ecosystem services: regulating, provisioning, supporting, cultural


One Love

Honoring the Harvest: Subliming Shame

Consider the source of any bounty. A delicious dish of roasted brussel sprouts. A beautiful diamond. The materials to build a satisfying shelter, either piled up on site or arranged as they are when the build is complete. In each case, what is the source like, what is the harvest like? What is the supply chain like? Is there appropriate reciprocity, mutual benefit, and honor?

It can be either way, a virtuous regenerative cycle or a dishonorable, self-destructive cycle.

Consider this in your own life, and what do you find? Being among the people who can read and write on the internet, it is likely that we’re engaged in much forced-taking and dishonorable harvest. For example, the Earth provides some food freely or with mutually beneficial work, but much of the food in the United States comes to us through forceful production, harvest, transport, etc. in a cycle which depletes the very resources (e.g. soil, clean water) which it relies on.

Should we be ashamed of the dishonorable harvests we’re engaged in? Many are not our conscious choice or something we can easily affect; this is simply the world we’ve been born into, and it’s quite convenient at that! Yet I’d argue we should be ashamed, for who else will be? It is like a first step to improvement: acceptance. Accepting the dishonor of these processes is a first step. But do not let shame get you stuck in place. Let it inspire you to improve, to make the small steps you can each day on the long journey toward regenerative landscapes and lifestyles, rather than forceful, dishonorable and depleting harvests.

Don’t waste your hate, rather gather and create
Be of service, be a sensible person
Use your words and don’t be nervous
You can do this you’ve got purpose
Find your medicine and use it.

Manifesto by Nahko Bear and Medicine for the People

This applies to the internal landscape as well as the external one. Cultivating contentedness of mind, speech, and body.

Future Generations Confronting Us Now

A friend of mine shared Students Across Europe Excoriate World Leaders for Hiding Scientific Reality of Pending ‘Global Collapse’  along with the following urgent inquiry. Recently I’ve seen other friends post calls for change, queries for options, and cries of distress at the state of the world; ‘something in the air’. Below is their message and my reply, packaging some of my views for ‘public consumption’ in that branch my social network. Continue reading →

Fossil Fuels and Standing Rock, or Reflections on ‘What would Sitting Bull do?’

“The Standing Rock protest camp represents that struggle for freedom and the future of a people. All of us. If I ask the question “What would Sitting Bull do?”—the answer is pretty clear. He would remind me what he said 150 years ago: “Let us put our minds together to see what kind of future we can make for our children.”
via https://t.co/tPNHihZ1p0
Some reflection:

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