Tag Archives: forest-garden

Myrica pensylvanica – Northern bayberry, aka candleberry

A relatively unheard of N fixer that I planted this spring and am liking so far is northern bayberry. It’s a shrub that has waxy berries. The height is pretty variable according to the nursery at 3-8′. One really nice feature is that it’s semi-evergreen. It’s a deciduous shrub with larger leaves (kind of like an oak) and they turn burgundy in the fall and hang on until spring when the new growth appears. I’m using it as part of a screen from the road so that I have some privacy in the spring. The berries are good for the birds and you can make candles from them. One other name for it is “candleberry”.

via Tj Jefferson on https://permies.com/t/96216/
via https://kiefernursery.com/product/myrica-pensylvanica/


Spanning the Gamut of Ecological Restoration to Food Forests

“Edible Forest Gardens: an Invitation to Adventure” – a useful text by northeast permaculture wizards Dave Jacke and Eric Toensmeier:


Spanning the gamut of forest garden examples and giving an overview of opportunities, applications, and implementations.