Tag Archives: acceptance

Real recognize real

Unless we learn to recognize and accept all parts of ourselves – dark and light, near the surface and in the depths – we may be destined as a world to a prejudice far worse than what we face now, due to more extreme conditions in the near future testing our patience about ourselves.

What to do with the dark parts of ourselves we cannot reconcile with? I think it depends on perspective. All things have a place in nature, eating someone and being eaten by someone else; those things which have no place can cease to exist, eaten and not returning, or migrating to a more suitable habitat. What is the force of succession within us? What are your internal ecosystems, where your light and dark exist? Are they at peace, or are they troubled and troubling?

The task at hand – the sort of psychological progress Carl Jung focused on – is a deeply personal one. Yet, it may be a critical work for the future of humanity.

I & I


The man with the clear head is the man who frees himself from those fantastic “ideas” and looks life in the face, realizes that everything in it is problematic, and feels himself lost. As this is the simple truth-that to live is to feel oneself lost-he who accepts it has already begun to find himself; to be on firm ground. Instinctively, as do the shipwrecked, he will look around for something to cling to, and that tragic, ruthless glance, absolutely sincere, because it is a question of his salvation, will cause him to bring order into the chaos of his life. These are the only genuine ideas; the ideas of the shipwrecked. All the rest is rhetoric, posturing, farce. He who does not really feel himself lost, is inexorably lost; that is to say, he never finds himself, never comes up against his own reality.’
– The Revolt of the Masses


Learning to Love Twilight: Ode to Death, Arisen with a feeling to decay distress

What a peaceful time with μ & place
And in that space in time, I find I’m faced with death
O the irony, iron me rusting ever more
For in the lightest times, in twilight’s color
A piece of all peaces – stillness, twinkle, and other
Sensations indescribable, unfathomable, yet bare and real
In the greatest of times in life, one faces the time of death. One wishes to capture a moment, for rapture, to ever last her
As one tries to record the minutes, the moments only move faster
Until it shatters
So be still
In accepting the time of death, the time of life is set free
No need to hang on to you and to me
Be and let be, see where one will go
It’s like water my dear friend, you must drink, and let it flow
~ cr0

“go with the flow”

in the cold of darkness, one seeks sun light
in the heat of day, one seeks cool shade

in times of rest and stagnancy, one seeks motion and growth
in times of motion and growth, one seeks rest and stagnancy

in the presence of the present on Earth, one seeks the Spirit
in the presence of the Spirit, one seeks the present on Earth
remember, be here now