
Identity & Ownership

Call me cr0 if you know no other name. I’m not strict about anonymity here but prefer it to start. Feel free to contact me with questions, feedback, or simply to begin a conversation – I’m happy to connect with kindred spirits and peaceful peoples. I’m also open to: other authors here, or in-kind uses of the website title. Please reach out if interested in either. In the future as I align my livelihood with alchemical-ecological livelihood, this page may become more personal, a platform for a broad blog and local practices.

Mission Transmission & Sources

I’m trying to align my life with the Tree of Life, with nature’s tendency to succeed & improve, catalyzing what science calls ecosystem services and cultivating connections within & without oneself. Working together with trees we can fulfill basic needs in mutual benefit. The path to receiving that goal came via: curiosity for philosophy; waves of guilt in harm caused by negative externalities, from how I was brought up to fulfill basic needs and enjoy luxuries; sensing a need to heal, as in Tikkun Olam תיקון עולם; a glimpse of light through Daoism, further philosophy and ethics, the forest, and alchemical mentors.

To glowing depths in transmutation, mysticism, and hues of green; toward Home in honorable harvest and peace, peace, peace, One Love.

Gratitude & Comradery

I recognize the great importance of indigenous and feminine leadership. I try to echo and reflect on the works shared by indigenous feminine peoples who share mind that resonates with mine, alongside sharing my own musings. Mystical and ecological living for me also includes connecting with place and connecting with ancestry – past, present, and future. In this vein I embrace the traditions of where I live and of those who – as best I can tell – I emerge from.

I will try to reciprocate the world’s gifts, leaving them better than I found them. If this is your work too, we work together. With thanks,

שלום עליכם

May peace be upon you

What do you think?