
1. net neutrality – ah what a tangled web we weave
skeptical of mega corporations
skeptical of big government
skeptical of unauthenticated opinions (be it via paid trolls or simply simpletons)
thankful for the spiders
time to decentralize
theorize: what could the internet be like?
we’re probably only a hop and a skip (rather a wireless transmit) away from mesh networks being able to turn cloud computing into fog
2. and in other news from the caverns of the internet:
bitcoin and other cryptographic currency was meant to be a currency(!) but has become a penny stock.
distributed ledgers, contracts, and authentication technology could no doubt prevail, but would it be as bitcoin? ethereum? …jp morgan’s version of ethereum? in any case, let’s hope it’ll be open source, at least for security’s sake.
in the mean time, good game & congrats to those who made bank on the wobbling web, and to the rest interested – hold on! (“The price was the least important thing about Bitcoin when I first read the whitepaper. It still is.” – Emin Gün Sirer)

One reply

  1. coviller says:

    by the way to those afraid of spiders: household spiders do a lot of good and so do these creatures

What do you think?