Coasting & estuarying
Cidade da Natureza
Onde as marés da mãe da natureza vêm e vão
Um lugar para jovens e idosos, para bens e serviços, para o divertimento e para o trabalho
City of Nature
Where the waves of the Mother of Nature come & go
A place for young and old, for goods and services, for fun and for work~~~~~~~
Deep value, literal and metaphoric, in growing our cities in friendship, rather than hardship, with mangroves, all kinds of estuaries and the water they – no, …we… – are all intimately coupled with.
Onde as marés da mãe da natureza vêm e vão
Um lugar para jovens e idosos, para bens e serviços, para o divertimento e para o trabalho
City of Nature
Where the waves of the Mother of Nature come & go
A place for young and old, for goods and services, for fun and for work~~~~~~~
Deep value, literal and metaphoric, in growing our cities in friendship, rather than hardship, with mangroves, all kinds of estuaries and the water they – no, …we… – are all intimately coupled with.