This post begins an exciting series in the Alchemecology project. I’m starting to post media from an agroforestry project I describe on the Willows Edge Agroforest page.
I’m exploring different image gallery options and am open to input. Please let me know suggestions or feedback in the comments below!
In those post I share photos from a workday digging small pools in Willows Edge’s wet field. Each pool was dug independently, dammed from the other pools during digging. I did this to get easy access for filling up 5gal buckets of water and to get various other benefits of small ponds in agroforest systems. Some important benefits I’m working with: soil for plantings and mounds, and improved drainage and landscape complexity for the surrounding environment. Read more to see pictures and descriptions!
Nice day in the field, including some help from a dear friend planting seeds of Paw Paws, American Persimmons, a rotting mash of quince fruits, and cones of the most beautiful Red Pines I ever saw.
[…] This is a test post, beginning an exciting series. I’m starting to post media from an agroforestry project I describe on the Willows Edge Agroforest page. I’m exploring a WordPress-based gallery in this post, as compared with an embedded-Facebook album post (as in this other post). […]