שלום Receiving Peace: Exploring Qabbalah of Shalom

I give thanks to the Source. And I say shalom שלום.

Introduction to Qabbalah and Hebrew Alefbet

Qabbalah קבלה means ‘receiving’ in Hebrew. It is a mystical discipline of Jewish and alchemical traditions. At its heart is the role of language in Jewish thought. That is a subject in and of itself – one brief angle:

In Hebrew, there’s no word for objects, only names. “Things” exist essentially as name, as language in thought and breath create the potential and material universe.

The Hebrew alefbet is of great significance. It is the fruit and pathways of the Tree of Life. Each letter having many associates such that, as a whole, the letters of the Hebrew alefbet contain, correspond with, and create All of creation. An elementary particle if you will, near the Source of All.

In this post and possibly others I will share some simple glimpses of the qabbalah of simple words, songs, prayers. Through that receiving will be more information on Qabbalah, or you can read about it at https://www.crystalinks.com/kabala.html or ask about other approaches.


שלום: Peace; hello; goodbye; a name of the One, synonymous with ‘the Lord’ or Allah الله. Shalom is a common word used by Hebrew speakers, and its equivalents in other languages are common as well. Arabic says salam سلام, Latin pax, English peace. Peace.

Peace has many forms. I will not speak on that in this post. I encourage you to seek and dis-cover peace in your life. “May peace be upon you” as these ancient languages say.

ש ל ו ם – letters read from right to left: shin, lamed, vav, mem – Sh L U M – four letters form shalom, representing four sounds or ways of breath. Or four classical elements, or . . .

Here is a table of each letter and some of its correspondences, after which is a stream of meaning of the letters together to spell peace ש ל ו ם


Hebrew letter – English letter name – sound – heiroglyphic meaning – alchemical association – Tarot card (# in alefbet series starting from 0) – Hebrew numeral value

Data [sample lookup table]

ש – SHIN – shh or sss – teeth – sulfur, soul, fire in the elemental trinity – Judgement (#20) – 300

ל – LAMED – L – ox goad/shepherd’s staff – Libra, scales – Justice (#11) – 30

ו – VAV – uu – nail/tent stake – Taurus, links, hearing, conjunctions – Heirophant (#5) – 6

ם – MEM – mm – water, womb – water element – Hanged Man (#12) – 40

Poetic Interpretation

ש PHI, the golden ratio. Sulfur, the alchemical fire, the succession and digestion churning the world. A Tooth to chew Time. It is the cause of karmic cause and effect. Singular Source Stream of Origination.

ל The shepherd’s staff follows and guides the fire. Lead the way, O Lord HaShem

ו Nailed, UUU, to Earth element’s presence. Form from connection. The stake that sustains the shelter of Hॐme.

ם In the waters. Mmmanifestation. Whole as the hydrosphere. Water is one and is life.

SHALOM, may peace be upon you in the sacred PHIre unfolding, guided by the shepherd of one’s higher self, grounded by connection with formation as above so below, and complete as Life in the womb. May the force of forest succession be with you.

Shalom, שלום

Shalom, שלום

Shalom, שלום

Ehava Ehad אהבה אחת (One Love)

Shema Yisrael, the holiest Hebrew prayer

What do you think?