I begin by giving thanks to the Source; to ecology & economy educators and to Divestment Movement activists, all of whom helped inspire and inform this post. Like all things, please, take this with a grain of salt; this is merely my own perspective, but I hope I may share a helpful one.
This Friday (02/13/2015) is ‘Global Divestment Day’ when groups of people and large institutions are teaming up to make a commitment to shift investments away from volatile fossil fuel companies and toward more prudent companies. I encourage folks to check out this movement, and if you are interested, show support moving the movement in your locale.
Broadening the scope and I think rightfully the audience and impact of the Global Divestment Day spirit: I encourage people to think of divestment beyond only a movement away from fossil fuels. Divestment, and specifically the unified hopefully-high-impact Global Divestment Day, is an invitation to march away from that which we hate: injustice in the environmental, social, and corporate-governmental (ESG) sectors. Simultaneously it is an invitation to move toward that which we love: low-risk, high-return, responsibility in the ESG sectors, and greater yet may we support those who innovate and regenerate those sectors to become better.
To zoom in on the nature of investments: Investment is taking part ownership in a company, in order to gain returns, and inherently this involves taking up risk (whether buying shares of a company, holding monetary instruments like cash, supporting a loan, etc). Consider who you want to wage your risk on, what kind of source you want your returns coming from, and what companies you want to be a part of. Even those with little regard for ESG injustice: weigh the probable risks and the (especially long-term) returns of unjust companies versus those companies which do well to improve the ESG context they exist within.
To me it is reasonable that a plant serving its soil will inherently serve itself and its future, and the same goes for humans (individuals & companies) and their Home; context and source.
With hopes to improve the life of one and all, I extend this invitation unto you, and I give thanks you’ve taken time to read this. I hope you recognize true change will take more time and effort, and I wish succession in your favor for those who accept the invitation toward healthier and more ecologically-sound economics. Peace be upon you.