Hopefully for adults there are 10+ native creatures one knows by name, but even then the disparity between connection to our own creations (i.e. corporations and industry) versus connection to Nature’s creations (i.e. our non-human fauna and flora neighbors) is leaving us out of tune with the environment we work with, in, and from.
Consider this: in seeking good life for our children, we must be very familiar and caring about them. We must support them with both mercy and severity necessary for lessons to sink in from high to low, and for growth to occur from small to great. It is of great benefit to also be familiar with our neighbors and community; our surroundings in general are important as many psychologists et al. would recognize the local environment’s role in one’s development. So it is, analogously, with our creations versus our Natural neighbors. Thing is, the way our species is in general now, we are couch surfing carrying our children, and we are becoming less connected and caring with our hosts. This is a poor path, but our hosts appear generous. On that note, we still have a chance. So long as life is with you it is not too late to connect with the Life-Force of Nature. Make the movement move.