On Time Travel: A Clip in the Past, Eclipse in the Future

To see children as an adult is an opportunity to be reminded of seeing adults as a child.

The child can see the adult as their future self.

The adult can see the child as their past self.

What is the difference between the two sights and the value of their insights?

To reflect on one’s future self is perhaps more practical. The future self is yet to be formed, and so one’s trajectory toward it can be adjusted before becoming it. The reflection can shape one’s intellect, emotions, and actions.

But is reflection on one’s past self not also practical in the very same yet subtly different ways? The reflection can shape one’s intellect, emotions, and actions. The past self one is reflecting upon is formed, and yet the past self is also still forming.

This lesson reveals a thread into the nature of time. As an imaginary number is an offshoot of the conventional number line, The Present is a point at which imagination can offshoot the conventional time line. Is the past all that different from the future, and if so, in what way precisely? Aside from memory and entropy, what is the difference between past and future?

Yet memory and entropy are of fundamental importance. The arrow of time hardly sways day to day. Yet if we take a moment, we may find The Arrow is actually The Point.

After all, what matters in the hunt?

What do you think?