Tag Archives: retro-post

Field Tree Seeding (Hazels and Hickories) – April 06, 2020

The surplus of my Winter 2020 seed stratification is going toward the seed bank of this back field as it rewilds. I had planted around 80 shagbark hickories and 800 hybrid hazelnuts in air prune beds earlier this Spring. The field section being planted was mowed Summer 2019 and most of the field has been hayed for years in the past.

These seeds serve as a subtle bump toward hazels and hickories in the decades to come for this forest. The potential of these seeds will be supported by my attention and selective-removal or support for certain species as ecosystem succession brings this field through the stages of life. In adjacent sections I’ve broadcasted and planted some black walnut seeds [and later on planted acorns], and I’ll continuing building the seed bank of useful ‘provision’ trees as this area reforests. In this area, I’m aiming for low-input food forest restoration.

Photos and a video from this workday field planting trees from seed are shown below. As I work out a system for sharing photos and videos, I appreciate feedback on viewing options!

Truth – Tree

“Our word “true” is closely related to the word “tree”. They both grew from the same root in the ancient Proto-Indo-European word “deru”, which mean “oak”. In many languages the vast Indo-European family, the same roots have produced words that mean “strength” or “strong”. The related word “druid” sounds a bit like “true” and meant, “one who knows oaks”. A tree and the truth are both things of beauty. They are both strong; they hold up. The closer one looks at them, the more there is too see. Truth has deep roots in reality and reaches toward heaven. Truth, like good wood, has strong fiber that bear weight and hang together. Truth is beautiful and orderly when closely inspected under high resolution where falsehood quickly pixelates showing itself to be full of holes. What is true is real, and that is its advantage over a lie.”
– Will Bason on FB


The man with the clear head is the man who frees himself from those fantastic “ideas” and looks life in the face, realizes that everything in it is problematic, and feels himself lost. As this is the simple truth-that to live is to feel oneself lost-he who accepts it has already begun to find himself; to be on firm ground. Instinctively, as do the shipwrecked, he will look around for something to cling to, and that tragic, ruthless glance, absolutely sincere, because it is a question of his salvation, will cause him to bring order into the chaos of his life. These are the only genuine ideas; the ideas of the shipwrecked. All the rest is rhetoric, posturing, farce. He who does not really feel himself lost, is inexorably lost; that is to say, he never finds himself, never comes up against his own reality.’
– The Revolt of the Masses

Cidade da Natureza: Mangues


Coasting & estuarying

Cidade da Natureza
Onde as marés da mãe da natureza vêm e vão
Um lugar para jovens e idosos, para bens e serviços, para o divertimento e para o trabalho
City of Nature
Where the waves of the Mother of Nature come & go
A place for young and old, for goods and services, for fun and for work
Deep value, literal and metaphoric, in growing our cities in friendship, rather than hardship, with mangroves, all kinds of estuaries and the water they – no, …we… – are all intimately coupled with.


Costa Rica Coast

Costa Rica Coast

South and West from the North, and back to the North


Where the water meets the land
One side wet, one side soft sand
To the Earth I give my foot and to the Air I give my hand
Where one part finds one part is where we find the balance to start, or finish
This way or that; to the forest or to the vastness
To rise or to sink
To act or to think
To cultivate or to diminish

Like an equinox, for a moment in the turning of the clock
We stand at a space where we share equal day and night
But we mustn’t stay, for time doesn’t wait and tides vibrate
And so we embark, to the solar south summer or the polar north winter
To the rocky mountains or the slimy sea
It matters not so much which way you go, but that you go at All
On your way to find Me

Awesome Autumn Days

Awesome Autumn days – crisp air, light Sun rays. The water has dried, and darker grow the days…
Leafs present themselves for a brief moment of fame before they make like the rain in fall
O the colors, complemented by fleeting light – their beauty, their height, only one side of a gradient. Gratitude to the spinning of birth & growing older the way they went (L’ Chayym & L.V.X.)
Some see the Sunlight grow colder, however more subtle forces are at play
It is the Earth’s Works which play a temperature-regulating part
Revolution based on reason, however the seasons also come with a little bit of art
So goes The Way
Square up the Circle – 4×4 time via cycles – “my state of mind: purple”

Some 1&1

https://interfacelift.com/wallpaper/details/1707/the_spectrum_of_the_sky.htmlSome ones; Earthlinks – inhabitants of a self-sustaining, Solar-orbiting, Black-hole destined, evolutionary Space vessel.

Energetic phenomenon – we possess Light in a variety of forms, one of which being a variety of colors we see.

Moving through Karma and Time – we experience beauty, and suffering. We seek pleasure, and avoid pain. We Love, and we Hate. We are capable of transformation, and we have the potential to balance.

May the Force be with you, some one.